The Globe

My foldout map and atlas

Have gained a centigrade

All rather mystifying

So I told the fire brigade

As my globe is also warming

And has gained a Fahrenheit

And I fear if this continues

They may into flames ignite

But the fire chief informed me that

Unless there’s smoke and fire

Or ignited flames that threaten to

My referenced world devour

They won’t blue light an engine

As I lack the flames to douse

And a low upturn in temperature

Is no risk to my house   

I suppose the chief has got it right

About this up turned gain

But as it keeps up turning

Showing no sign it may wane

I’ve decided I’ll do all I can

To my referenced world protect

And the reason for this up turn

Discover and correct

And hopefully I can save my globe

And increasing warmth abate

By acting now and hoping that

My actions aren’t too late

2 thoughts on “The Globe

  1. i love how u symbolised it with what the current global warming is doing to us and how callously we’re dealing with it.
    great poem <33


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